Identity solutions aggregator for businesses of all sizes

IDVerifact provides you with access to over 200 leading identity verification solutions so you can detect fraud, prove identity, and gather rich data attributes in order to assess risk & adhere to all compliance requirements.

IDVerifact Platform

A solution for every use case

Aggregating identity verification solutions

Age Verification

  • Driver’s License
  • Birth Certificate
  • Passport
  • Banking – Bank Supported Credential
  • Banking – Transaction Aggregator

Biometric Validation

  • Facial
  • Fingerprint
  • Voice
  • Iris
  • Behavioural Biometrics

Biometric Identity Step-Up

  • Facial
  • Fingerprint
  • Voice
  • Iris
  • Behavioural Biometrics

Identity Verification

  • Passport
  • Driver’s License
  • Driver’s License Department of Defence
  • Permanent Resident Card
  • Citizenship Card (prior to 2012)
  • Secure Certificate of Indian Status
  • British Columbia Services Card
  • Provincial or Territory Identity Cards
  • Global Entry and Nexus
  • Record of Landing
  • Green Card
  • Credit Bureau Challenge Questions

Digital Only Identifications

Digital Only Identification Validation

As governments and other trusted entities issue digital only identification methods stay ahead of the curve and integrate digital verification quickly into any process. IDVerifact does the heavy lifting on the integration allowing you to quickly leverage digital only identities. 

Address Verification

  • Driver’s License
  • Telco Address Verification
  • Address reference check
  • Banking – Transaction Aggregator
  • Credit bureau address verification
  • Document based address verification
  • Banking – Bank Supported Credential

Age Verification

  • Driver’s License
  • Birth Certificate
  • Passport
  • Banking – Bank Supported Credential
  • Banking – Transaction Aggregator

Risk Profile

Credit Bureau – Risk Assessment

  • Consumer Credit File
  • iDecision from Equifax
  • Business Credit Report
  • Business Failure Disk Score
  • Commercial Delinquency Score

Income Verification

  • Pay Stubs
  • Notice of Assessment summary
  • Notice of assessment detail
  • Bank Account based verification
  • Employer Outbound Call
  • Bank Statement
  • Employment Letter
  • Employment Payroll

Employment Verification

  • Employment Letter
  • Pay Stubs
  • Bank Statement
  • Banking – Transaction Aggregator
  • Employer Reference Check (Outbound)
  • Digital Employment Verification
  • Employment Payroll


Passive Identity

Device IP

IP Address

Phone Verification

  • Phone Number Social KYC
  • Phone Number Basic Check
  • Phone Number Device and SIM
  • Device Location

Location Behaviour

  • GPS Data
  • Cellular Sensors
  • Bluetooth Sensors
  • Wi-Fi Scanning

Collective Intelligence

Email Phone IP Combination Detection

Email Verification

Email Address Indicators

Consumer Web Wide Visibility – Collective Intelligence

  • 150K+ Participating websites (network, device, activity, geography)
  • 1.4 Billion logging in, checking out, registering, online gaming and dating daily
  • Transactional North American population multiple times per week
  • Identify stolen identities at onboarding
  • Trust and risk signals to adjust control at login and provide passwordless enrolments

Expanded PEP And Sanctions Screening 

Global KYC Compliance

  • Scanning – Choose a quick ad-hoc scan of an individual or company, or run a batch scan of some or all of your customer base. Select from multiple PEP and Sanctions listing globally. 
  • Ongoing Monitoring – Receive notifications of changes to profiles of matches, or new information affecting your customers, through automatic daily screening against global PEP & Sanction, as well as adverse media data sources. 
  • Due Diligence – Comply with auditing through the integrated due diligence to assign risks and decisions to matched profiles for your customers and applicants.
  • Intelligent Parameters – Customize your scan parameters and Watchlist category selection to meet your organization’s regulatory obligations.
  • Comprehensive Reporting – Create and download reports in PDF, Word, and Excel as part of your KYC obligations, and to meet audit requirements.
  • Whitelists – Create whitelists from due diligence decisions of ‘false match’, to apply to future scans in order to eliminate false positives and reduce your workload.

AML Identity Check

Criminal Records Check

  • US Criminal Records
  • Canadian Criminal Records
  • International Criminal Records

Identity Validation

  • Passport
  • Driver’s License
  • Driver’s License Department of Defence
  • Permanent Resident Card
  • Citizenship Card (prior to 2012)
  • Secure Certificate of Indian Status
  • British Columbia Services Card
  • Provincial or Territory Identity Cards
  • Global Entry and Nexus
  • Record of Landing
  • Green Card
  • Credit Bureau Challenge Questions

Credit Bureau

  • Credit Bureau Single Source
  • Credit Bureau Dual Source
  • Credit Bureau Cascade Single to Dual Source

Compliance Check

Sanctions And Screening Check

  • Sanctions Basic Check – Current Jurisdiction
  • Sanctions Expanded Check – Multiple Jurisdictions

Politically Exposed Person

  • PEP Basic Check – Current Jurisdiction
  • PEP Expanded Check – Multiple Jurisdictions

Organization Identity Validation

Entity Verification
  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Business Identification Number
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Electronic Business Information
  • Beneficial Ownership
  • Beneficial Shareholders
Human Trafficking
Negative Media
Terrorism Financing

Working Capital Management

Accounts Payable

Integrate general ledger systems seamlessly to streamline accounts payable operations, saving time and money for your clients. Allow your clients to manage the scheduling, execution, and tracking of payments by allowing them to access accounts payable data through online banking systems.

Accounts Receivable

Eliminate the agony and tedium of maintaining your clients’ accounts receivable, resulting in faster payments and happy suppliers. More time may be spent on productive work, allowing your clients’ businesses to expand quicker, by automating invoicing and reconciling bills to payments.

Dynamic Negotiation

Dynamic Negotiation enables your client’s firm to proactively offer consumers and suppliers faster or extended payment terms in exchange for a discount or premium. Dynamic Negotiations improves consumer and supplier connections while keeping their business healthy.

  • Automated – application data correction and cleansing
  • Automated – application of lending rules
  • Automated – risk scoring
  • Application segmentation
  • Application underwriting prioritization
  • Automated – commitment generation
  • Risk based pricing


  • Driver’s License
  • Birth Certificate
  • Passport
  • Banking – Bank Supported Credential
  • Banking – Transaction Aggregator
  • Driver’s License
  • Telco Address Verification
  • Address reference check
  • Banking – Transaction Aggregator
  • Credit bureau address verification
  • Document based address verification
  • Banking – Bank Supported Credential
  • GPS Data
  • Cellular Sensors
  • Bluetooth Sensors
  • Wi-Fi Scanning
  • Facial
  • Fingerprint
  • Voice
  • Iris
  • Behavioural Biometrics
  • Passport
  • Driver’s License
  • Driver’s License Department of Defence
  • Permanent Resident Card
  • Citizenship Card (prior to 2012)
  • Secure Certificate of Indian Status
  • British Columbia Services Card
  • Provincial or Territory Identity Cards
  • Global Entry and Nexus
  • Record of Landing
  • Green Card
  • Credit Bureau Challenge Questions
  • Phone Number Social KYC
  • Phone Number Basic Check
  • Phone Number Device and SIM
  • Device Location

IP Address

Email Phone IP Combination Detection

  • Facial
  • Fingerprint
  • Voice
  • Iris
  • Behavioural Biometrics

Email Address Indicators

  • Employment Letter
  • Pay Stubs
  • Bank Statement
  • Banking – Transaction Aggregator
  • Employer Reference Check (Outbound)
  • Digital Employment Verification
  • Employment Payroll
  • Pay Stubs
  • Notice of Assessment summary
  • Notice of assessment detail
  • Bank Account based verification
  • Employer Outbound Call
  • Bank Statement
  • Employment Letter
  • Employment Payroll
  • Consumer Credit File
  • iDecision from Equifax
  • Business Credit Report
  • Business Failure Disk Score
  • Commercial Delinquency Score



Consumer Consent Management

Connectivity Within Financial Institutions – Breaking Down Ethical Walls And Opening Banking
  • Enable client directed consent and data sharing among various lines of business​
  • Save significant technical costs with a scalable data integration pattern​
  • Earn customer loyalty by offering more efficient, customized and pertinent services
Financial Institutions Extending Trusted Services – Open Banking
  • Engage clients with access to various services, leveraging existing KYC​
  • Connect to trusted third party partners and services, and monetize connections​
  • Maintain privacy and loyalty with user consented data sharing and authorization
Consumers Extending Access To Their Trusted Services – Consumer Directed Finance
  • Consent-driven data collaboration between service providers​
  • Privacy-preserving and secure interactions, which respect jurisdictional requirements​
  • Increase customer loyalty with seamless and connected banking experiences

Business Financials

Accounting Data-As-A-Service
  • Accounting Transactions
  • AR Aging Report
  • AP Aging Report
  • Bills
  • Bill Payments
  • Credit Notes
  • Business Valuation
  • Deposits
  • Invoices
  • Invoice Payments
Transaction Data-As-A-Service
  • Account Summary
  • Account Detail
  • Account Transactions
Collateral Management
  • Automated PPSA/RDPRM, NOSI & UCC processing
  • Upfront lien validations
  • Real-time reporting on PPSA/RDPRM/NOSI/Repair Lien registrations
  • Land Title and Homeowner Verification
  • Turnkey recovery solutions
  • Homeowner Verification (HOV)
  • Canadian Land Title Search
  • Analyzed Debtor/VIN Search
  • Lien Validation and Triggers
  • Unperfected Lien Analysis
  • Batch Remediation (Portfolio Cleanse)
  • UCC Filings
Enhanced User Experience
  • Full Due Diligence Searches
  • Multi-name search
  • Corporate Verification
  • Corporate Report
  • Lien Searches
Tax Detail Verification

CRAView provides a complete set of tools to obtain reported income from the Canadian Revenue Agency directly without your clients needing to produce hardcopies of notice of assessments or any other documentation. 

Complete Lien Management
  • Lien registrations
  • Lien amendments
  • Lien renewals
  • Lien discharges

Transaction Monitoring And Case Management

Making Safe Commerce Simple

Leveraging automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning from the ground up, the IDVerifact transaction monitoring and case management solution provides the most sophisticated, configurable, and accessible financial crime lifecycle management solution on the market.

No-Code Configuration

Financial crime risk and regulation shift constantly. Both also demand operational agility to adapt so reflecting changes in strategy requires technical resource, incurring delays and cost. IDVerifact places business users firmly and in control.

Financial crime experts can make changes directly, without programming, using natural language.

Stay ahead of them and amend rules, models, or even integrated application providers in minutes, eliminating the typical wait time.

Natural Language

The IDVerifact platform’s functionality is entirely transparent and accessible thanks to this method.

Drag And Drop Services And Apps

Easily drag and drop different third-party data sources, rulesets and Machine Learning models into a journey builder to create a strategy or journey in seconds. Our orchestration gateway does the heavy lifting, eliminating the need for lengthy and costly IT intervention.

Sophisticated Capability, Simple User Interface

IDVerifact is about making safe commerce simple. No other financial crime and compliance platform can offer business users the power, speed, and ease.

The system was built around delivering ultimate configurability alongside a best-of-breed user experience.

Easy Integration

Multiple integrations are required for effective financial crime lifecycle management since it requires access to best-in-class data and services. With incumbent suppliers, integration costs might range into the hundreds of pounds and weeks of development time per service.

IDVerifact, on the other hand, simply requires one integration.

Implemented by financial crime technology specialists, a straightforward and intuitive Restful Application Program Interface (API) provides quick integration, providing a route to live in days, not months.


High quality decisioning starts with the best possible data. IDVerifact brings granular information from multiple datasets back into orchestration.

Unified Score

IDVerifact takes the intelligence generated by third party services and puts it into a single flow to create an overall risk score, called the “unified score.”

Persistent Risk Scoring

Changes in risk are recognized as best practices throughout the lifecycle.

Apply dynamic and persistent risk scoring at the account, customer, or transactional level using IDVerifact decisioning combined with orchestration and data.

Referral And Case Management

Cases can be automatically escalated to suitable specialists or teams when an automated ‘pass or fail’ determination is not achievable.

IDVerifact integrates everything an agent needs to see to visualize risk, examine insight, and manage a case referral into one straightforward, easy-to-use interface.

  • Change risk scores
  • Add comments
  • Assign cases to various team members
  • Instantly convey choices across the organization
  • Submit fraud data to third-party databases and agencies in a timely manner
Machine Learning Models

IDVerifact offers customers access to its own proprietary decisioning models as well as the ability to integrate their own or third-party models regardless language or platform.

Machine Learning capabilities drive:

  • Automated decisions
  • Improve the performance of rules
  • Reduce referral rates and operational costs
Virtual Agent

Virtual Agent is a proprietary Machine Learning model that learns from real agent choices.

As enabled, it can automatically simulate human agent behaviour when needed, such as when a fraud referral needs to be handled late at night and real agent resources are restricted.

Virtual Agent provides amazing automated decisioning that improves over time by retraining and utilizing real agent data.

Dynamic Data Masking

Only a few data security systems can secure data while still keeping its utility.

Data is more useful in all the places we can use it to make judgments.

Data masking ensures data security by substituting sensitive information with a non-sensitive proxy in such a manner that the copied data appears and behaves identically to the original.

Non-sensitive data can be used in business operations using Dynamic Data Masking without having to change the supporting apps or data storage facilities.

Eliminate danger without jeopardizing the company’s operations.

Passive Fraud Detection

IP Address

  • Phone Number Social KYC
  • Phone Number Basic Check
  • Phone Number Device and SIM
  • Device Location
  • GPS Data
  • Cellular Sensors
  • Bluetooth Sensors
  • Wi-Fi Scanning

Location identity creates a wider picture of not just a user’s device but the most common physical location in which a device is used. It provides a common point of reference via trusted location fingerprints to detect location spoofing and potential fraud. It incorporates:

  • Bluetooth sensors to define commonly connected bluetooth devices
  • Wifi scanning to determine not only the Wifi that the devices uses but a profile of the common Wifi networks located within the vicinity of the device.
  • Cellular network signals to augment device GPS signals that can be spoofed.
  • GPS location detail from the device

Email Address Indicators



Explicit Fraud Detection

Criminal Records Check

    • US Criminal Records
    • Canadian Criminal Records
    • International Criminal Records

Data Cybersecurity


This is where a real credit card number such as ‘4500 8540 1234 4321’ could be replaced with ‘4959 1121 2232 3663’ or any other user-defined tokenization format.

Where the name ‘Michael’ and ‘Scott’ could be replaced with ‘e87db9d7dbb22’ and ‘2jh4b5kj59dd98s6d76d5f889dd’, or other symmetric and asymmetric encryption options.

Where the medication ID number ‘33439090’ might be changed with ‘5xxxxxxx’ or any other data masking format determined by the user.

When an authorized user or business process requires the actual data to be seen or transferred someplace (for example, for payment processing), the solution immediately and transparently reverses the obfuscation, replacing the tokenized, encrypted, or masked value with the genuine data in transit.

No Code

No need for any existing software code to be rewritten or modified. There is no need to build integrations using APIs or connectors, or install any agents or widgets.

No need to alter existing user interactions, corporate processes or retraining personnel while using IDVerifact. Internal users connect with their computer programmes in the same way they did before. External users continue to engage with websites in the same way they did previously.

With so many apps hosted in the cloud, the risk of sensitive data crossing national boundaries is growing.

Thanks to the GDPR, CCPA, Bill 64, and other privacy regulations it is now a legal necessity with consequences for non-compliance.

Personal identifiable information never leaves an environment without explicit authorization and complete control over where it:

  • Travels
  • How it is safeguarded
  • When it may be reconstituted

Controlling and regulating access to sensitive data has been a struggle.

Data is tokenized, metadata is created and enhanced, and the recorded data is supplied as characteristics for use in our access control policy using IDVerifact’s data cybersecurity solution.

It is no longer only the proper thing to do to protect the privacy of consumer information.

It is now a legal necessity with the adoption of the GDPR and other privacy regulations, with fines for non-compliance.

Personal identifiable information never leaves an environment without explicit authorization and full control over where it travels, how it is safeguarded, and when it may be reconstituted using IDVerifact’s data cybersecurity solution.

All enterprises that store, handle, or transfer credit card information must undergo PCI compliance audits.

As the problem of developing and maintaining a secure network evolve, this annual assessment grows increasingly costly and extensive.

Before it reaches your network, IDVerifact’s data cybersecurity solution can delete all credit card information from apps, data, and documents.

Your network is judged out of scope for a PCI assessment since it does not include any payment card information.

Managing the risk of using production data in lower-level environments can be challenging.

IDVerifact’s data cybersecurity solution enables businesses to take a total data management approach that allows developers and testers to self-serve new test data sets, eliminating the need for manual intervention and removing any infrastructure requirements for master ‘golden copies’ or derivative test data sets.

Our platform obscures regulated and/or restricted information as data moves across the network when migrating data from a production environment to a development environment.

Biometrics Enrolment

Biometrics Step-Up (Enrolment)
  • Facial
  • Fingerprint
  • Voice
  • Iris
  • Behavioural Biometrics

Biometrics Validation

Biometrics Step-Up
  • Facial
  • Fingerprint
  • Voice
  • Iris
Behavioural Biometrics

How can the IDVerifact platform
help you?

IDVerifact provides you with access to over 220 leading identity verification solutions so you can detect fraud, prove identity, and gather rich data attributes in order to assess risk & adhere to all compliance requirements.

Verification solutions
1 %
0 %
Reduction in onboarding cost
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